Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Kingdom of TaLKiNG

The Kingdom of #TaLKiNg is located on the far away land of Rizon, it is ruled by the king, Rei_Sama, he loves his people and would do anything for them.

When Rei is away the channel is left in the hands of the Princes and Princesses (Admins)

Collet is the magical CupCake Princess who's current intention is to destroy The Kingdom's newly found rivals, the Kingdom of Eagletits! errr Eagleits*. Her main objectives are to increase channel growth and keep a fun atmosphere.

Maylay is the dashing Prince in Red, he's the mastermind behind this blog and keeps order in the kingdom

Liamlifeless is probably the nicest of the royal family, he loves metal and is always willing to lend a hand

Larks is the castle IT guy, he's the creator of the most channel's beloved bot, TsunBot, he mostly lingers in the background but shows up when needed

UndeadRevolution is the quietest of the royal family, he's one of Collet's closest and Confidant.

Kuro_Shinobi is Rei_Sama's brother, he's usually off on adventure and focuses on his studies.

mooshe/mooshie is the castle care taker, his favorite show is Mastercook and Heaven's Kitchen who he usually discusses with Collet.

Helion is the castle wizard, he's always producing new potions and loves to share them with the Kingdom's people.

polyasleep is a princess? (I don't know her gender) who was recently discovered, she almost never talks and is ALWAYS asleep,

AnimeWatcherNewbie is a peasant who complained not being here so I had to add him, likes Anime and along with Collet, listen to Madam Goo Goo

Sousti is a very quiet castle guard, he arrives once on a blue moon and his words move so slow as if a rocket was up his ass

Aeri is the channel witch, she beats disobeying people with her staff and uses her magic powers to make people do her bidding.

Together we manage a Kingdom of a population in the 40s (people die and reincarsinate all the time =/)


  1. Hey, aren't you forgetting someone?

  2. I promised I would add people if they complained soooooooooooo

  3. *Shakes fist* See this, cupcake? This is me, Aeri, complaining. COMPLAINCOMPLAINCOMPLAINCOMPLAIN. Now add me please :3 <2

    I added you Aeri

  5. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. I will sniff CupCake.

    That will be all.
